Carola Beresford-Cooke

Welcome to my website and to the ways of healing that I practised for over forty years.  As I moved from massage into aromatherapy, then into Shiatsu and acupuncture, my interest in Eastern healing arts expanded to include the philosophy that lies behind them.

Teaching and writing followed, and finally I moved into visual media with DVDs. Do explore further, if you like, and let me offer you a taste of what inspires me.

Read more about Carola Beresford-Cooke

The Meridians of Shiatsu

12 videos covering the 6 pairs of the meridians of acupuncture and Shiatsu

Shows each meridian in detail

Both traditional pathways and the Zen Shiatsu extensions

Each meridian treated fully in the 4 positions of Shiatsu

Read more about our Meridians series

Qigong DVD

Three women Shiatsu teachers and practitioners offer the Qigong forms they have practised and taught in their Shiatsu classes for many years. We are: Nicola Pooley, Elise Johnson and Carola Beresford-Cooke.

We share our Qigong practice with you on this DVD, not as “masters” but as practitioners, who have found that Qigong has helped us in our lives and in our Shiatsu practice. Read more about our Qigong-DVD